Iacoe Michaela
Sentimentos, Poesias, Cronicas

In this useless torment, this commitment
To make in silence what sing in me,
Rises me cries hoarse to the throat
In a cry of madness that I refrain.

OH soul, heathland sacrosanct,
Golden soul sister I have,
Say where to go, from where do I come
In this pain that excites me and welling up me!

Visions of new worlds, of infinite
Cadences of sobs and cries,
Bonfire burning that consumes me!
Say what is this hand that drags me?
Stain of blood that throbs and spreads ...
Say of what is that I thirst and hunger?!
Iacoe Michaela
Enviado por Iacoe Michaela em 22/02/2013
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