Iacoe Michaela
Sentimentos, Poesias, Cronicas
Remove the emotion inside the heart,
A lucid Truth, the Feeling!
- And be, after come from the heart,
A handful of ashes scattered on the wind! ...

Dreaming of a high thinking verse
As pure as a rhythm of prayer!
- And be, after come from the heart,
The dust, nothingness, the dream of a moment ...

They are so hollow, rude, my verses:
Lose rhymes , gales dispersed, windstorms
With that I delude myself and others, with that I lie!
I wish I could find the pure verse
Verse proud and strong, strange and hard
That could say, crying, what I feel!
Iacoe Michaela
Enviado por Iacoe Michaela em 26/02/2013
Alterado em 26/02/2013
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