Iacoe Michaela
Sentimentos, Poesias, Cronicas
My verses
Out in the fields, the flowerbeds,
For the mountains cradling the morning
Out of my crimson dreams of pagan
While the birds land on my shoulders ...

In vain I buried among rubble
Of cathedrals of a vain sculpture !
Look me, dizzy blonde sun of wonders,
the clouds, crying, call me sister!

Echoes of distant waves ... universes ..
Echoes of a World ... In a distance,
From where I brought the magic of my verses!
It's me! it's me! The one that in anxious hands
Held from life, as well as anyone,
The wicked thorns without touching the roses!
Iacoe Michaela
Enviado por Iacoe Michaela em 05/03/2013
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