Iacoe Michaela
Sentimentos, Poesias, Cronicas
Thunderstorms, beauty of nature
My favourite type of weather
Is a thunderstorm for sure
Because when I'm at home
I feel quite secure.

Also the smell of outdoors
While one is taking place
Is beautiful enough
to put a smile on my face.

I love to watch the rain
strike some objects outside,
it is amazing to think
this miracle happens worldwide.

Another thing I love
Is feeling rain hit my skin
Little drops of heaven
Sinking to within.

I adore these storms
As they emerge from the sky
The clouds getting darker
The wind whooshing by

Thunder and lightning
Rain coming down
Hitting the road
making a sound

As I stare out my window
and watch the rain fall by
I wonder what could of happened
To make God want to cry.

Iacoe Michaela
Enviado por Iacoe Michaela em 17/03/2017
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